Railway Accounts Department Examinations

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Stores Contracts - Numbers Figures


Numbers - Stores 




Limited Tenders

Limited Tender (ordinary items) - Non Gem items  - PCMM, CMM & Dy.CMM powers

Up to Rs. 25 Lakhs

Limited Tender - PCMM powers

  1. In Emergencies incl: items available in GeM-  PCMM powers 

  2. Safety / Passenger necessity items 

  3. Items for which approved list is issued by Centralised agencies like RDSO/CORE etc

Up to Rs. 10 Crores

Limited Tender - CMM powers

  1. In Emergencies incl: items available in GeM-  PCMM powers 

  2. Safety / Passenger necessity items 

  3. Items for which approved list is issued by Centralised agencies like RDSO/CORE etc

Up to Rs. 5 Crores

Limited Tender - Dy.CMM powers

  1. In Emergencies incl: items available in GeM-  PCMM powers 

  2. Safety / Passenger necessity items 

  3. Items for which the approved list is issued by Centralised agencies like RDSO/CORE etc

Up to Rs. 1 Crore

Limited Tender Panel should have minimum _____ except where approved list issued by RDSO/PUs

3 Firms

Urgency Certification

JAG Officers

Up to Rs. 10 Lakhs

SAG Officers

Above Rs. 10 Lakhs

Open Tenders (Non GeM Items)




Up to Rs. 10 Crores


Up to Rs. 1 Crore

Notice Period (in IREPS)

21 days

Cost of Tender Document


PAC - Propriety Article Certificate - Signing powers


Above Rs. 25 Lakhs


Up to Rs. 25 Lakhs


Up to Rs. 15 Lakhs


Up to Rs. 2 Lakhs


Up to Rs. 75 thousands

E-RA - Electronic Reverse Auction

Tender Value

Above Rs. 5 Crores

Proven / Known / Approved sources - Minimum


Qualified bidders - less than 3

Selection of vendors - Nil

Qualified bidders - 3 to 6

Selection of vendors - 3

Qualified bidders - More than 6

Selection of vendors - 50 % of qualified Vendors

MSEs - All qualified bids - within —---- price range of L-1 will be called

15 %

Duration of Auction (Between Start & Closing time)

30 minutes

Maximum auto extensions 


MSME Policy

MSMED Act enacted in —------


As per MSMED Act, any buyer who fails to make the payment to MSMEs, as per agreed norms or a maximum of —-------, would be liable to pay monthly compounded interest at 3 times the Bank Rate. 

45 days


GFR - General Financial Rules Edition

2017 Year

25 % of Annual Procurement (not on Individual Procurement Quantity) reserved for MSEs


Reservation Percentage Target

If Annual Procurement is 100 Nos, the reserved quantity is ____


25 % of Annual Procurement (not on Individual Procurement Quantity)

25 Nos

SC / ST (of MSEs)

4 % sub-target of 25 % of above Target 

4 Nos (not 1 No)

Women (of MSEs)

3 % sub-target of 25 % of above Target 

3 Nos (Not 0.75 No)

  • Who are eligible: MSEs registered under Udyam Registration Portal w.e.f 01.07.2020 

  •  MSE Policy - W.e.f 01.04.2012.  But mandatory from 01.04.2015 onwards. 

Udyam Portal 


  • Retail and wholesale traders reinstated under the MSME category by the Government in July 2021 are topping the table of the top 10 segments or sub-sectors in the MSME sector based on the number of registrations on the Udyam portal.

Udyam Portal

  • https://eudyogaadhaar.org/ 

  • Launched and maintained by MSME Ministry on 1st July, _____

  • Only Official portal to register a new MSME or re-register of already registered under UAM - Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum 

  •  Seamlessly integrated with Income Tax, GST & GeM 

  • The details of Investments & Turnover are taken automatically from Govt databases. 

MSME Sambandh Portal: 


  • Launched on 8th December 2017 

  •  Sharing fact sheets of public procurement of all central entities. 

  • Facilitating Official login to enter the data. 

  • Monitoring the progress of procurement by Central Govt Ministries / Depts / CPSUs  

  • Uploading procurement details by all the above entities on a monthly / Annual basis

Data for 2022-23 FY  


Procurement (in Crores Rs)

Percentage Actual

Targetted Percentage






36 %

25 % 



0.83 %

4 %

Women MSMEs


1.20 %

3 %


Benefits for MSMEs 

  1. Tender cost - Free 

  2. No EMD (Earnest Money Deposit )

  3. Relaxations in Prior Turnover Criteria and Prior Experience Criteria 

Note: However, SD (Security Deposit) or PBG (Performance Based Guarantee) are not exempted.  

  • All Central entities - should organize VDPs ( Vendor Development Programmes) to develop MSMEs 

  • SC/ST MSMEs - NSIC should conduct outreach programs and open a special window i.e., SPRS (Single Point Registration Scheme) 

  • NSIC stands for National Small Industries Corporation 

  • 358 items - Reserved exclusively for MSMEs 

Champion Portal

  • Launched on 1st June 2020

  • To address the grievances of MSMEs 

  • Set up in the Ministry of MSME

  • CHAMPION stands for Creation & Harmonious Application of Modern Processes for Increasing Output & National Strength 

  • Backed by AI - Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, as well as Machine Learning, in conjunction with ICT - Information & Communication Technology 

  • Linked with the CPGRAMS (Centralized Public Grievance Redress And Monitoring System 

  •  Classification of MSMEs 


Investment in Plant & Machinery

Annual Turnover


Rs. 1 Crore

Rs. 5 Crore


Rs. 10 Crores

Rs. 50 Crores


Rs. 50 Crores

Rs. 250 Crores


Samadhan Portal: 

  • After 14 years since the MSME Development Act came into existence in 2006, a revision in the MSME definition was announced in the Atmnirbhar Bharat package on 13th May, 2020. As per this announcement, the definition of Micro manufacturing and services units was increased to Rs. 1 Crore of investment and Rs. 5 Crore of turnover. The limit of small units was increased to Rs. 10 Crore of investment and Rs 50 Crore of turnover. Similarly, the limit of medium units was increased to Rs. 20 Crore of investment and Rs. 100 Crore of turnover. The Government of India on 01.06.2020 decided for further upward revision of the MSME Definition. For medium Enterprises, now it will be Rs. 50 Crore of investment and Rs. 250 Crore of turnover.

Risk Allowance - Establishment Rules


Risk Allowance - Establishment Rules 

  • Source: 1. RBE No. 30/2021 dated 13.04.2021 

             2. DOPT OM No.A-27018/02/2022-Estt.(AL) dated 02.09.2022 

  • Admissible for: The employees who engaged in hazardous duties or whose work will have a deleterious (harmful, injurious or hurtful) effect on health over a period of time 

  • 7th CPC (Central Pay Commission) Revised Rates - Admissible w.e.f., 03.11.2020 

  • Revised Rates are: 



Revised Rates (Per Month)



Rs. 90



Rs. 135



Rs. 180



Rs. 225

Note: Considering the circumstances workers are experiencing the consequences, the above rates are meager/scanty/negligible. 

  • Risk Allowance   - Will not be treated as “Pay” for any purpose.  

  • The categories who are in receipt of HPCA/PCA   - Not eligible for grant of Risk Allowance 

  • HPCA stands for Hospital Patient Care Allowance 

  • PCA stands for Patient Care Allowance

  • Proposal for inclusion of any new category fulfilling the criteria: 

  • Proposed by the concerned Ministry 

  • In consultation with the associate Finance 

  • & DOPT - Dept Of Personnel & Training 

  • Also be consult the Staff side of the Departmental Council (JCM - Joint Consultative Machinery)

  •  Periodical medical check-ups of the staff exposed to risk in their job to ensure their good health.  

  • A list of categories/staff comes under the eligibility of Risk Allowance. Staff engaged in: 

  1. Spray painting   

  2. Galvanizing tanks, Effluent Treatment plants, insulation components 

  3. Electrolytes 

  4. Metallic dust, fumes, furnace, carbon burst shops 

  5. Melting shops in all foundries where scrap is used 

  6. Moulding shop in RWF/Bangalore 

  7. Chrome plating 

  8. Safaiwala in underground drains/sewer pipes, cleaning of manholes 

  9. Safaiwala in sewerage treatment plant in Workshops

  10. Spraying pesticides, handling acids, anti-larval drugs, etc. 

  11. Chest clinic staff 

  12. X-Ray attendants 


Monday, February 26, 2024

Service Contracts - Acceptance Powers


Service Contracts - Acceptance Powers

  • Source: Railway Board Letter No.2023/F(X)II/PW/1 dated 27.12.2023 Click for the Letter 

  • Path: Finance Directorate > Content of Finance / Expenditure >  FX-II Letters

Service Contracts - Delegation of Powers of Acceptance

Monetary Values


(Each Service Tender)

Accepting Authority

Division controlled units

HQ controlled & Other Units

Up to Rs. 50 Lakhs

SG/JAG/SS(Independent charge)

Direct Acceptance of Tenders

Up to Rs. 4 Crore


Above Rs. 4 Crore and up to Rs. 20 Crore



Above Rs. 20 Crore and up to Rs. 100 Crore



Above Rs. 100 Crore and up to Rs. 500 Crore



Above Rs. 500 Crore




  • Recruitment Tenders - Chairman RRB can exercise the powers of CHOD (i.e., up to Rs. 500 Crores)

  • RRB Service Tenders accepted at Zonal Railways - Variations in quantities will be approved by Chairman/RRB, if the revised value of Agreement lies within their current tender acceptance powers. 


Saturday, February 24, 2024

Zoom Weekly Sunday Meetings - 2024 year



  Appendix3 Academy is inviting you


51st Zoom Weekly Meeting 


Topic: Appendix3 Exam - Strategy


Speakers: Team of Faculty

Date: 25th February 2024 (Sunday)

Timings: 10 AM to 11:30 AM

(Login Time: 9.55 AM)

  Click here to join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 852 6254 8027  


Passcode: mcqrailway  


Thursday, February 22, 2024

DRM Powers - Lump-sum Works


DRM Powers - Lump-sum Works (Instead of Umbrella Works)

Sources: Railway Board Letter No. 2022/F(X)II/PW/6 dated 22.11.2022, 01.03.2023 & 20.02.2024.


PH Description

Powers up to Rs.


Road Safety Works - ROB/RUB

1 Crore


Traffic Facilities

2.5 Crores


Road Safety Works - Level Crossings

2.5 Crores


S&T Works

2.5 Crores


Electrical Works

2.5 Crores


Workshops Incl: PUs

2.5 Crores


Staff Welfare 

2.5 Crores


Customer Amenities

2.5 Crores


OSW - Other Specified Works

2.5 Crores

Note: CWMs (in Workshops) powers for PH 42 - Workshops Incl: PUs - Rs. 2.5 Crores