Railway Accounts Department Examinations

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

DRF - Depreciation Reserve Fund


DRF - Depreciation Reserve Fund 

  • Established in 1924 (April 1st) 


  • The Oldest Working Railway Fund  


  • The Previous Name  - The Programme Revenue (The expenditure chargeable till 31.03.1924 was then then shown under DRF from 01.04.1924)  


  • The first two numerals (Capital classification of 8 Digits)  - 21 


  • One of the Sources of Finance  


  • The Uniqueness is, Source is Revenue (Internal i.e., from Railway’s Revenue) and the expenditure is Capital 


  • Budgeted under - Erstwhile Demand No.14 (Appropriations to Funds)  


  • Erstwhile Demand No.14 is now renamed as SMH - Sub Major Head 12 (under Major Head 3002 - Indian Railways Commercial Lines - Working Expenses) 


  • This is a Minor Head under the Major Head 8115  - Depreciation / Renewal Reserve Funds


  •  DRF Account will be maintained in the books of the Railway and in the office of the Railway Board 


  1. Contributed annually from the Railway Revenues (as per the recommendations of RCC – Railway Convention Committee) 

  2. The amount realized from the disposal of the original cost (at the Debit of Capital or DF) 

  3. The amount of Interest earned on the balance of the Fund.  


  1. The cost of replacements & renewals (incl: cost of dismantling, handling & shifting)

  2. The cost of replacement of Ballast (incl: improvement type)

  3. The cost at debit of Capital or DF of an Asset (other than Land) which is abandoned or disposed without being replaced. 

  4. Modernization of Rolling Stock


  • Balance will be carried from year to year.  


  • The Railways appropriation to DRF on a Need cum availability basis instead of doing so in a scientific manner duly considering the historical cost, useful life and salvage value i.e., using the Depreciation Methods. 

  • This negligible appropriations resulted in creation of SRSF – Special Railway Safety Fund with an amount of Rs. 17000 Crores in 2001 and RRSK – Rashtriya Rail SanrakshaKosh with an amount of Rs. 1,00,000 Crores in 2017-18

Last Ten years contribution to DRF (Rs.in Crores)
























Monday, October 9, 2023

MCQ on Budget - 26

 MCQ on Budget

1. Total number of erstwhile Demands in OWE - Ordinary Working Expenses of Zonal Railways ? 

Answer 1: 13

Answer 2: 11

Answer 3: 15

Answer 4: 16

2. Total number of erstwhile Demands in Indian Railways (prior to merger - including both Revenue and Capital) 

Answer 1: 16

Answer 2: 15

Answer 3: 13

Answer 4: 1

3. Which fund is described as "Reservoir of Government Money" ? 

Answer 1: Public Account of India

Answer 2: Deposit with RBI

Answer 3: Consolidated Fund of India

Answer 4: Central Government Treasury

4. Recovery of Provident Fund is accounted in ? 

Answer 1: Contingency Fund of India

Answer 2: Consolidated Fund of India

Answer 3: Public Account of India

Answer 4: Staff Benefit Fund

5. Commercial Accounts of Indian Railways are known as Capital & Revenue Accounts. Answer True or False 

Answer 1: True

Answer 2: False

6. Government Accounts of Indian Railways are known as Capital & Revenue Accounts. Answer True or False 

Answer 1: True

Answer 2: False

7. One of the options is not example of Charged expenditure 

Answer 1: Salary of Cabinet Secretary

Answer 2: Judgement/award of Court

Answer 3: Pay & allowance of C&AG

Answer 4: Pay & allowance of Chief Election Commissioner

8. Pick out the odd man out 

Answer 1: Staff Benefit Fund

Answer 2: Contingency Fund of India

Answer 3: Public Account of India

Answer 4: Consolidated Fund of India

9. Budget is a ________________ and _______________ document as per Indian Railway Finance Code Volume One (Chapter 3)

Answer 1: Constitutional , Management

Answer 2: Financial, Audit

Answer 3: Financial, Constitutional

Answer 4: Financial, Audit

10. As per Article 112(1) of Constitution of India, A statement of the estimated receipts and expenditure of the Government of India for that year’ referred to as the "__________________________" and popularly called the "__________________". 

Answer 1: annual financial statement, Annual Budget

Answer 2: Annual Budget, Annual Financial Statement

Answer 3: Annual Fiscal document, Management document

Answer 4: None of these

11. Which one is not example of Charged Expenditure in case of Indian Railways 

Answer 1: Salary and allowances of Chairman, RRB - Railway Recruitment Board

Answer 2: The salary, allowances and pension payable to or in respect of the CAG -Comptroller and Auditor General of India;

Answer 3: Any sums required to satisfy any judgement, decree or award of any Court or awards by Arbitrators where made into rule of court

Answer 4: Any other expenditure declared by the Constitution or by Parliament by law to be so charged

12. The Demands shall be for _____expenditure ; the credits or recoveries being shown in the form of _________ Demands. 

Answer 1: Net, footnotes to

Answer 2: Gross, deducted from 

Answer 3: Gross, footnotes to

Answer 4: Net, deducted from

13. The erstwhile Demands No. 1, 2 & 3 are in the nature of _______________ 

Answer 1: covering all Zonal Railways

Answer 2: Covering Railway Board only

Answer 3: Ordinary Working Expenses

Answer 4: General on cost

14. There is a single works erstwhile Demand No. 16 for all works Expenditure irrespective of source of financing. Say True or False 

Answer 1: True

Answer 2: False

15. First two digits in classification/allocation of erstwhile Demand No. 16 is ____________ 

Answer 1: Demand Number

Answer 2: Source of Finance

Answer 3: Plan Head

Answer 4: Activity

16. First two digits in Revenue classification shows ______ 

Answer 1: Source of Finance

Answer 2: Erstwhile Demand Number

Answer 3: Single Demand Number 83 (for 2020-21 FY)

Answer 4: Activity

17. Last two digits in Revenue/Capital classification shows_______ 

Answer 1: Main activity

Answer 2: erstwhile Demand Number

Answer 3: Sub activity

Answer 4: None of these

18. Total digits in Revenue classification/allocation are ____ 

Answer 1: 8

Answer 2: 7

Answer 3: 6

Answer 4: 9

19. Total digits in Capital classification/allocation are ____ 

Answer 1: 6

Answer 2: 7

Answer 3: 8

Answer 4: 9

20. Each erstwhile Demand has two-way classification by activity and by Primary units of expenditure. The activity classification identifies _______an expense item is incurred and Primary unit identifies ______ the expense item denotes 

Answer 1: Why, What

Answer 2: What, Why

Answer 3: Object, Why

Answer 4: What, Object

21. Ordinary Working Expenses (OWE) consists of ________ 

Answer 1: Erstwhile Demands 1 to 16

Answer 2: Erstwhile Demands 1 to 15

Answer 3: Erstwhile Demands 3 to 13

Answer 4: Erstwhile Demands 1 & 2

22. GWE - Gross Working Expenses consists of _______ 

Answer 1: Erstwhile Demands 1 to 15

Answer 2: Erstwhile Demands 1 to 16

Answer 3: Erstwhile Demands 3 to 13

Answer 4: Erstwhile Demands 1 to 14

23. Preparation of the Revised and Budget Estimates should commence at the '__________ level ’ 

Answer 1: Railway Board

Answer 2: Zonal Railway Headquarters

Answer 3: Grass Root, i.e., Division, Stores Depot, Workshop etc

Answer 4: Divisional Railway Headquarters

24. Accounts Dept (PFA) responsibility towards Budget is _______ 

Answer 1: Preparation

Answer 2: Compilation and scrutiny

Answer 3: Guidance to Executives

Answer 4: Approving

25. Credits or recoveries shall be __________from the scope of the demands presented for vote of Parliament :- 

Answer 1: Excluded

Answer 2: Included

26. The Grants are distributed by the Railway Board among the railway administrations are called as ______________and the orders by means of which the allotments are made are called as ______________ 

Answer 1: Allotments, Budget Orders

Answer 2: Budget Orders, Allotments

Answer 3: Spending Limit, Allotments

Answer 4: Allotments, Spending Limit


Sunday, October 8, 2023

Basic Computer information


 Basic computers Information 

  1. What is the full form of the Internet?

    1. Interconnected Network

  2. What are the uses of the Internet?

    1. Advertising, Video conferencing, online registrations, education, net banking, booking tickets etc.

  3. Who found the internet first?

    1. Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf (American Computer scientists in 1943)

  4.  What was the internet first called?

    1. United States Advanced Research Projects Agency Network(ARPAN)

  5. Who provides us with the Internet?

    1. ISP ( Internet Service Provider company)

  6. What is another name for the internet?

    1. Cyber Server

  7. When was the Internet launched in India?

    1. 15th August 1995

  8. What is the difference between the World Wide Web and the Internet?

    1. WWW is a collection of information accessed through the internet and is a global network.

  9. What do you know about ICANN?

    1. It is the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers on the Internet. 

  1. Who will give an IP address on the internet?

    1. ICANN

  2. What is the full form of IP in computer networking/

    1. IP means Internet Protocol. IP address is the identifier and allows information to be sent between devices on the network. They contain location information and make devices accessible for communication.

  3. What is the full form of HTML?

    1. Hyper Text Markup Language.

  4. What is the full form of URL?

    1. Uniform Resource Locator

  5. Who is the father of email?

    1. Ray Tomlinson

  6. Who is India’s internet father?

    1. Brijendra  K Syngal. ( Former Chairman of Videsh Sanchar Nigam VSNL-  Passed away on 9 th July 2022 at the age of 82)

  7. In which city internet was first introduced?

    1. Mumbai in 1997

  8. What is the full form of TCP IP?

    1. Transmission Control Protocol and Internet protocol

  9. What is the full form of wi-fi?

    1. Wireless Fidelity

  10. What is the full form of DNS?

    1. Domain Name System

  11. What is the Internet archive?

    1. It is a large collection of information on the internet.

  12. What is a web browser?

    1. It is a software application used to locate, retrieve and display content of web pages, images, videos and other files.

  13. What is email?

    1. Electronic mail

  14. What is the full form of FTP?

    1. File Transfer Protocol
