Railway Accounts Department Examinations

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Revised Estimates - GM Powers


Revised Estimates - GM Powers 

Source 1: Railway Board Letter 2023/F(X)-II/WP/2 dated 14.09.2023 - click here  

Source 2: Chapter 7 of Engineering Code 

When & How - RE - Revised Estimate is prepared - Para 708 E

  • As soon as it becomes apparent,

  • that the expenditure on a work is likely to exceed the amount (in Detailed Estimate) 

  • A RE - Revised Estimate is prepared & 

  • Submitted for sanction of the Competent Authority 

  • In the Same form & the same degree of detail (as the Original Estimate) 

  • Accompanied by a Comparative statement showing the excess or saving under each head of account.  

GM Powers - Sanction of Excess amount


Price escalation

Other than 

Price escalation


RE - Revised Estimate

Full powers 

Up to 20% of Original cost

MM - Material Modification - Up to Rs. 2.5 Crores in each case 

M&P Estimates

Up to 100% of Original Estimate or Rs.2 Crores whichever is less

Up to 20% of Original cost or Rs.50 Lakhs whichever is less

MM - Material Modification - Above Rs.10 Lakhs each - Personal approval of GM and Personal approval of PFA

Lump sum Works

Full powers 

Up to 20% of Original cost

Beyond permissible limits - Can sanction as long as the Revised cost is within the limit of powers of New Works under Lump sum category 

Throw forward works - subject to re-appropriation within the sanctioned allotment 

Survey Estimates

Up to 20% (if Original Estimate is sanctioned by Railway Board)

Subject to 

  1. Surveys are included in the Budget

  2. Followed approved yardsticks

Beyond GM Powers - Proposals sent to Railway Board - Check list as follows: 

  • Personal approval of GM 

  • Personal concurrence of PFA or PFA/C or FA&CAO/C

  • Complete details of Revision  

  • Variation Statement/MOD - Memorandum Of Differences 

  • Explanation 

  • Justification for increase/decrease in the scope of work and quantities 

Key points for MCQ : 

  1. Beyond GM powers - Required of Personal approval of GM & Personal concurrence of PFA or FA&CAO/C  

  2. MOD stands for Memorandum Of Differences 

  3. RE stands for Revised Estimate 

  4. DE stands for Detailed Estimates 

  5. MM stands for Material Modification

  6. Estimates - Chapter 7 of Engineering Code 

  7. GM Powers: 

  1. Revised Estimates - Price escalation - Full powers  

  2. Revised Estimates - Other than Price escalation - Up to 20% of Original Cost. 

  3. MM - Material Modification - Up to Rs. 2.5 Crores in each case  

  4. M&P estimates - Price escalation -  Up to 100% of Original Estimate or Rs.2 Crores whichever is less 

  5. M&P estimates - Otherthan Price escalation - Up to 20% of Original cost or Rs.50 Lakhs whichever is less 

  6. Lump sum works - Price escalation - Full powers 

  7. Lump sum works - Otherthan Price escalation - Up to 20% of Original Cost 

  8. Survey estimates - Up to 20% (if Original Estimate is sanctioned by Railway Board) 

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Bookkeeping - Journal Entries - Examples

 Bookkeeping - Journal Entries - Examples  

Nageswara Rao 9492432160

  1. If the Proprietor has withdrawn cash from the Business for Personal use, the journal entry is _________________

  1. Drawings Account is Debited and Capital Account is Credited 

  2. Cash Account is Debited and Drawings Account is Credited

  3. Capital Account is Debited and Cash Account is Credited 

  4. None of these  

Answer: D. None of these.  The correct answer is Drawings Account is Debited and Cash Account is Credited. 


Drawings mean the amount withdrawn by the Proprietor from the Business. Hence Proprietor’s account is a personal account.  However, we operate Drawings Account in case of withdrawal of money and operate Capital Account in case of inducting the money into the Business.  

The drawing account comes under Personal Account.  The Rule of the Personal Account is Debit the Receiver and Credit the Giver.   

Hence Drawings Account is Debited. 

Cash is a Real Account.  The Rule of a Real Account is Debit what comes in and Credit what goes out. 

Hence the Cash Account is credited. 

First Account

Second Account

The Accounts Involved in the Transaction



Type of Account

Personal Account

Real Account

Rule of Account

Debit the Receiver and Credit the Giver

Debit is What comes in and Credit is What goes out

Debit or Credit

Debited. Because the Proprietor is a receiver

Credited. Because Cash is going out from the Business

  1. Cash Sales to Mr. Mohan.  The Journal Entry is ___________ 

  1. The Cash Account is Debited and the Sales Account is Credited

  2. Cash Account is Debited and Mohan Account is Credited

  3. Mohan's Account is Debited and the Sales Account is Credited 

  4. None of these  

The correct answer is A. Cash Account is Debited and the Sales Account is Credited

First Account

Second Account

The Accounts Involved in the Transaction



Type of Account

Real Account

Nominal Account

Rule of Account

Debit is What comes in and Credit is What goes out

Debit all Expenses & losses and Credit all Incomes and Gains

Debit or Credit

Debited (Because cash is received)

Credited (because Sales is income)

Note: Both Purchases and Sales are Nominal Accounts.  Purchases imply expenses, whereas Sales imply generating Revenue (i.e., Incomes and Gains).  Thus as per the Golden Rule of Nominal Accounts, Debit all expenses & losses and Credit all incomes & gains. 

  1. Credit purchases from Mr Krishna.  The Journal entry is _________

  1. Purchase Account is Debited and Cash Account is Credited 

  2. Goods Account is Debited and Krishna Account is Credited

  3. Purchases Account is Debited and Krishna Account is Credited 

  4. Krishna Account is Debited and Purchases Account is Credited 

The Correct Answer is C.  

First Account

Second Account

The Accounts involved in the Transaction



Type of Account

Personal Account

Nominal Account

Rule of Account

Debit the Receiver and Credit the Giver

Debit all Expenses & losses and Credit all Incomes and Gains

Debit or Credit

Credited. Because Krishna is Giver. 

Debited (Because Purchases is an expenses) 

Note: Both Purchases and Sales are Nominal Accounts.  Purchases imply expenses, whereas Sales imply generating Revenue (i.e., Incomes and Gains).  Thus as per the Golden rule of Nominal Accounts, Debit all expenses & losses and Credit all incomes & gains.  

  1. Salary paid to Ms Sunitha through Cheque.  The Journal entry is _________ 

  1. Sunitha Account is Debited and Bank Account is Credited

  2. Salaries Account is Debited and Bank Account is Credited

  3. Bank Account is Debited and Sunitha Account is Credited

  4. Bank Account is Debited and Salaries Account is Credited 

The correct Answer is B


First Account

Second Account

The Accounts involved in the Transaction



Type of Account

Real Account

Nominal Account

Rule of Account

Debit What comes in and Credit What goes out

Debit all Expenses & losses and Credit all Incomes and Gains

Debit or Credit

Credited (Because cash goes out from the Bank)

Debited (because Salaries is an expense.)

Notes: Sunitha Account is not comes in records. Because the Firm pays salary for services rendered by Sunitha.  Hence Salaries Account is recorded, not Sunitha Account.  


  1. Goods returned to ABC limited.  Journal entry is _______________

  1. Goods outward account is debited and ABC limited account is credited

  2. Purchases Account is debited and ABC limited account is credited

  3. ABC limited account is debited and Goods inward account is credited

  4. None of these  

The Correct answer is ABC Limited Account is Debited and Goods Outward Account is Credited. 

Notes: Goods outward means Purchase Returns  and Goods inward means Sales Returns.  

First Account

Second Account

The Accounts involved in the Transaction

ABC Limited

Goods outward

Type of Account

Personal Account

Nominal Account

Rule of Account

Debit the Receiver and Credit the Giver

Debit all Expenses & losses and Credit all Incomes and Gains

Debit or Credit

Debited.  Because ABC limited is receiver.  

Credited.  Because Purchases is an expenses and Purchase Returns or Goods outward is an gain 

Notes: Candidates are advised to do the above templates initially till become confident in journalising.the transactions. 

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