Clone Train Scheme
General Meaning of Clone: The copied material, which has the same genetic makeup as the original.
A clone train will be a train which will be running with the same number as the actual train.
Perfect solution for waitlisted passengers
Example: The 12423/12424 New Delhi-Dibrugarh Rajdhani Express has all the seats reserved and still has a heavy demand of waitlisted passengers. Indian Railways will put another rake of the Rajdhani Express with the same number just to carry waitlisted ticket-holders.
Run in high demand routes
Carry the same train number as their original counterpart.
Railways will monitor all the trains that are currently in operation to determine which trains have a long waiting list.
Keeping in mind, Wherever there is a demand for a particular train, wherever the waiting list is long, railways will run a clone train ahead of the actual train, so that waitlisted passengers can travel.