Railway Accounts Department Examinations

Showing posts with label Strategic Lines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Strategic Lines. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Strategic Lines


Railway Accounts further classified into 1. Commercial Lines  2. Strategic Lines  


·         At present, Strategic lines exist in 4 Zonal Railways.   They are NR, NFR, NWR & WR

Major Heads between Commercial Lines & Strategic Lines

·        Definition of Strategic: Relating to the gaining of overall or long-term military advantage.

·        Strategic Lines:  Generally constructed for military-strategic purposes, opposed to the usual utility of Commercial lines for civilian purposes. 

·        To declare the Railway Line as a Strategic one, the approval of the Defence Ministry is required. 

·        Engineering Code Chapter 18 - Miscellaneous Works - Works required for Defence Purposes - deals with the Strategic Lines. 

·        Defence works: Divided between Railway Estimates & Defence Estimates.

·        Railway Estimates bears:

·        The entire expenditure of Defence Works carried out on the Strategic line will be borne by the Railways.


·        Defence Estimates bears: 


·        . The cost of construction of troop sidings, platforms etc., including the signaling arrangements required in the event of the siding or platform taking off from the main line beyond the limits of station yard.


·         The cost of land acquired for troop sidings, platforms, etc., if the railway Administration does not choose to acquire it for its own purpose;


·         The interest and maintenance charges on Railway's share of the cost in respect of Defence works executed by Railways on behalf of Defence services. 
