Railway Accounts Department Examinations

Showing posts with label RSP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RSP. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2024

RSP - Road Safety Projects - PH 30 - ROB / RUB - New Vertical


RSP - Road Safety Projects - PH 30 - ROB / RUB - New Vertical

  • Authority: Railway Board Letter No. 2024/CE-IV/ROB-RUB/SCR, WR, ECR & NR dated 07.05.2024

  • Object of New Vertical: Execution of ROBs/ RUBs has not kept pace with the pace of new sanctions being given.  


  • New Vertical   - CAO/Con/RSP  - Exclusively for Road Safety Projects - for Road Crossing Works i.e., PH 29 - Level Crossings and PH 30 - ROB / RUB


  • RSP stands for Road Safety Projects (RSP also Rolling Stock Programme) 


Salient features of RSP:


  • RSP vertical - headed by CAO/Con/RSP  who is in HAG - Higher Administrative Grade


  • Assisted by SAG/Engineering Dept, other officers and staff


  • Reporting directly to GM  


  • Associated Finance: FA&CAO/Con 


  • GC - General Consultant:  engaged by CAO/Con/RSP for holistic planning of RSP works incl: Feasibility studies (new name for Surveys), DPR preparation, Sanction of Work, detailed structural design, detailed estimate & engagement of PSSA/PMS/PMC


  • EPC / Hybrid mode EPC / BOQ based Contracts - for execution of RSP


  • Nodal Directorate for RSP :  Bridge Directorate in Railway Board  


  • CAO/Con/RSP: Execution in-charge of RSP 

  •  CAO/Con/RSP & his Officers will exercise the powers of Construction organisation as per MSOP  (in respect of all Technical, Financial, Contractual & Personnel matters)


  • PCE: Monitoring and overall coordination for RSP 

Key points of RSP: 

  1. RSP - New Vertical for PH 30 - ROB / RUB 

  2. RSP headed by HAG Officer (of Engineering Dept)  

  3. Reporting directly to GM 

  4. Associated Finance: FA&CAO/Con

  5. Nodal Directorate: Bridge Directorate (in Railway Board) 

  6. PCE: Overall coordination of RSP


  1. RSP - Road Safety Works  

  2. RSP - Rolling Stock Programme 

  3. ROB - Road Over Bridge 

  4. RUB - Road Under Bridge

  5. CAO - Chief Administrative Officer (HAG rank) 

  6. HAG - Higher Administrative Grade (PHOD rank) 

  7. PHOD - Principal Head Of Department (HAG rank) 

  8. PCE - Principal Chief Engineer (HAG rank/PHOD) 

  9. SAG - Senior Administrative Grade 

  10. GC - General Consultant 

  11.  DPR - Detailed Project Report 

  12. PSSA - Project Supervision Services Agency

  13. PMS - Project Management System 

  14. PMC - Project Management Consultancy

  15. EPC - Engineering Procurement & Construction

  16. BOQ - Bill Of Quantities

  17. MSOP - Model Schedule Of Powers 


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

RSP - Rolling Stock Program

                                                                              ( Important question for Workshop Accounts & GRP)
Ø   RSP - Plan Head 21 under Demand No.16

Ø  RSP Inclusions: 1) acquiring new rolling stock such as locos, coaches, wagons, cranes tower wagons, track machines, Break Down Cranes etc., 2) Midlife rehabilitation/modernization of rolling stock. 3) Major modifications to be carried out on the Rolling stock which primarily changes their class i.e., conversion of coaches into ART - Accident Relief Train 4) Modifications which are of improvement nature, chargeable to Development Fund

Ø   RSP Exclusions:  1) piecemeal modernization/conversion of the rolling stock normally chargeable to Revenue. 2) Conversions that do not affect the category of the rolling stock or class.

Ø  Follow up of the Five year Plans.

Ø  As part of Five year plans, the working  groups on 1) Freight traffic projections 2) Passenger traffic projections & 3) Formulation of Railway Development projections fix the traffic targets and draft plan is prepared for requirement  of Rolling Stock in respect of Locos, Wagons & Carriages.

Ø  The final plan is subject to periodical reviews based on the growth of expected traffic.

Ø  Usually the Railway Minister is the convener of the above Working groups.

Ø   The Five Year Plan is implemented through an action oriented annual plan prepared in consultation with Finance ministry.

 Advance Planning for Rolling stock:  

Ø   3 years target for Production Units for Locos & Carriages and Wagon Manufacturing units  - finalized by December of preceding year.   That means Production target for 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21 (3 years) is to be finalized by December, 2017 itself.

Ø  If there is no advice by Railway Board in regard Production target, PUs & Workshops can plan 80 % (of previous year production) of their production for the next year.

Ø   Any unanticipated changes or corrections based on the Budget shall be advised in the beginning  of the year.  But the variations should not be too large and not more than + or - 30 % of the original planning.

 Estimation of requirements

Available on line during the previous year
Additional requirements due to increase in Traffic
Reductions due to change in traffic pattern
Total traffic requirement of each type of stock
D = A+B-C
Condemned or likely to be phased out in the previous year
Accident damaged beyond rehabilitation
Likely population on line at the beginning of the year
Provisions required in RSP

Example (assumed):         

Available on line during the previous year
Additional requirements due to increase in Traffic
Reductions due to change in traffic pattern
Total traffic requirement of each type of stock
D = A+B-C
Condemned or likely to be phased out in the previous year
Accident damaged beyond rehabilitation
Likely population on line at the beginning of the year
Provisions required in RSP

Ø  Apart from the budgeting year, requirements shall also be worked out (with a 30% error margin) for next two consecutive years for each type of Locomotive, Coach and Wagon and included in the Rolling Stock Program.

Itemized Rolling Stock Program (IRSP)

Ø  Prepared by the zonal Railways and PUs

Ø  IRSP is in two Formats: 1) For Works already sanctioned by the Board (Programmed Deliveries) with any changes in numbers or unit rates and 2) For New Works (New Acquisitions) proposed on the premise that the proposals are not global in nature and pertain to the specific local requirement of the particular zone.

Ø   IRSP is submitted on a similar pattern as the Works Programme, separately for Programmed Deliveries and new Acquisitions.

Ø  IRSP should reach the Railway Board by 15 September of the preceding year.

Ø  The IRSP proposals in the above format are consolidated and examined by various directorates, moderated or modified.

Ø   These are then sent for finance concurrence and approval of the C.A. The approved proposals are returned to PU Directorate for compilation and data entry for the Pink Book.