Private Cash - Commercial Department
Railway Board Master Circular No. 65 of 2013 dated 17.10.2013
Commercial manual Para 2429 says
“Keeping of private cash in station safe, etc., forbidden.—Private cash should not be kept in the railway cash chest, drawers, ticket tubes, cash safes etc. If any such amount or extra cash, whether stated to be private or otherwise, is found by the supervisory staff or inspecting official, it should be remitted to the cash office.
The staff working in booking offices, parcels offices and goods sheds, whose duties actually involve cash transactions with the public, must declare in writing their private cash daily before they take up their duties in the station diary or in the cash book or in a separate register to be maintained for this purpose. The specific categories of staff to whom these instructions apply, will be notified by the railway administrations concerned.
Ceiling of Private Cash (Revised in 2013 Oct)
In case, staff required to carry the amount more than ceiling, specific endorsement with the actual amount carried must be made in the relevant record by the concerned supervisor.
Declaration of Private cash in the relevant register - Both in figures and in words.
Private Cash - The following categories of staff who handle cash are:
Parcel clerk, ECRC, Booking clerk, Goods clerk, Siding clerk
TC, HTC, Chief Inspector of Tickets (Station), TTE, Conductor, Guard, Assistant Guard, CTI, Coach attendant incl: Electrical staff
SM, ASM (who are doing commercial work/duty with cash transactions)
Parcel porter, scaleman accompanying TTE
Bill distributors, Asst. Manager, Manager in moving catering units
Supervisors who handle Cash
Zonal Railways can add any other categories of the staff to the above list, if they so feel.
Key Points for MCQ:
Ceiling of Private Cash - Stationary staff - Rs.750
Ceiling of Private Cash - Mobile staff - Rs.2000
Para 2429 of Commercial Manual
Commercial Circular 65 of 2013
Declaration of Private cash in the relevant register - Both in figures and in words.
Zonal Railways can add any other categories of the staff to the list of staff who declare Private cash, if they so feel.