CoA - Control Office Application
Website Link of CoA:
CoA stands for Control Office Application
Implemented in all 68 Divisions in Indian Railways
TSR - Train Signal Register - 600 plus locations
TSR - A Register kept at Railway stations to record the actual movement of the Trains.
Need of CoA
To automate the Control Rooms i.e., nerve centre of Train operations.
To ensure systematic control, monitoring & fluidity of train movements 24/7
To capture Train movements real time.
To provide an analytical DSS (Decision Support System) tool for improving operational efficiency.
Salient features:
Requires the Controllers to enter data related to the train operations (as they receive information from the control points or stations)
Charts the running of the train in a section
Generates the advance forecast based on various operational parameters.
To order trains, view all possible routes, divert or re-route trains.
Has the facility for capturing and viewing details of composition of the train, details of the crew and the Locomotive.
Shows details of line occupancy, caution orders etc.
Designed to facilitate its integration with other applications such as FOIS, ICMS, NTES, PAM, RTIS, REMMLOT and CMS.
Train BPC (Break Power Certificate), Caution Order, Train Order, Regulation, Stabling, Yarding, Train schedule modification, Consist and Train Modification (like Diversion) is shared in between respective applications.
TSR data is sent to the CoA divisional server. Further, this data updates in NTES, FOIS and ICMS through CAS server.
CoA Advantages:
Removes drudgery (hard work) of the manual system of drawing control charts with various colour pencils.
Trains running information - available - to take decisions quickly
Quick reference tools such as Blocks, Cautions, loco details, crew details, stabled trains and siding position reduces retrieval time of information.
Paperless operations. Helping a green environment.
Accurate train movement information helps NTES - National Train Enquiry System