Railway Accounts Department Examinations

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

CIPS for e-Payments

CIPS  for e-Payments


üFull form – CIPS – Centralized Integrated Payment System


üNew system for arranging e-Payments in Indian Railways


üPriority area for system improvement to ensure online payments without manual intervention.


üPartner is SBI – State Bank of India


üCoordination  by Northern Railway


üImplemented by CRIS – Centre for Railway Information Systems


üPilot project of CIPS –COFMOW  in April, 2019. Rolled out in Indian Railways from September, 2019.  


üMandating SBI – State Bank of India to credit various accounts (payments) on behalf of Indian Railways  


üCIPS integrated with IPAS – Integrated Payroll and Accounting System


üEach Zonal Railway may register nominated cheque signing officials in IPAS


üThen Public key of the signatories can be shared to Bank in advance


üRequire authorized signatories to have digital token and they should be registered with IPAS.


üEnables seamless payments to outsiders in Indian Railways without manual intervention.

Material for MCQ – Multiple Choice Questions for CIPS

1. CIPS – Centralized Integrated Payment System

2.Partner  – SBI

3.Implemented by CRIS

4.Nodal Railway  – Northern Railway



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