Accounts (With Books) 2006
Time allowed : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Answer FIVE questions
only. Candidates for section Officer ( Accounts ) should attempt any ONE
question from Group A & any FOUR questions from Group B. Candidates for
Inspector of Stores Accounts should attempt any ONE question from Group A and
any FOUR questions from Group C. All questions carry equal marks.
A (for both SOA & ISA)
1. (a) "Departmental stock verification
is as important as the verification of stock by Accounts
department for efficient inventory
management." Discuss.
(b) " Accounts department has its
own mechanism to ensure that the interests of Railway are protected while
auctioning railway materials." Discuss.
2. Describe the various stages and steps
involved in the receipt of stores in Railway Stores Depot and
it's accountal in Stores Accounts
office. What steps are to be taken in Accounts office to adjust the
shortages/excesses detected by stock
Section Officer Accounts only)
3. (a) Name 3 items each from Group 65, Group
67 and Group 78 which are to be procured through
DGS&D, quoting the para and
relevant appendix of Stores Code.
(b) Describe in brief, the procedure
for check and accountal of DGS&D bills.
4. Write short notes on any FOUR:
(a) Book examination clause
(b) Severable contract
(c) Imprest stores
(d) Stock Adjustment Account
(e) Risk purchase
5. Distinguish between any
(a) Rate contract and Running contract
(b) Late tenders and Delayed tenders
(c) Movable surplus and Dead surplus
(d) Stock items and Non-stock items
(e) Service tax & VAT
6. Explain the procedure and
components of stores budget estimate. How is it connected to the Revenue
budgeted of a Zonal Railway?
7. What are the recent
guidelines for breaking cartel formation of firms?suppliers? What additional
measures can be taken by your Zonal Railway keeping the local conditions in
C (For ISA only)
8. (a) What are the salient features verification,
of articles of furniture, with certain
subordinates like loco inspectors?
(b) What action should be taken for
verification of small tools and Hand ools with a
permanent way inspector?
(c) What are the General instructions
regarding depot verification of material under
issue or receipt?
(d) What are the general guidelines to be
kept in view while weighing or measuring
stock by Stock Verifier.
9. Write short notes on any
a) Narrative Report
b) Adjustment memo
c) Accounts note
d) Field Book
e) Returned stores
f) Valuation of Boiler tube
10. Distinguish between any
a) Pairing of Issue Notes &
Pairing of Gate Pass.
b) Minimum stock & Maximum
c) Engineering Plant Reserve &
MAS Account
d) WMS & Stores Suspense
e) Numerical ledger & Priced
f) Price List Rate & Average
Book Rate
11. What are the duties of
Accounts Stock Verifiers? What are the statements to be
submitted by the ASV's after completion of stock verification?
12. What items does a stock
verifier check at fuelling point/RCD? Suggest measures to control losses
arising out of handling of tank wagons and its decanting in the Railway
consumer depot.
Stores Accounts (Without Books)
SXR (Without Books)
Group A (for both SOA &
the various duties of inspector of Store Accounts. What are the registers he is
supposed to maintain to effectively perform the assigned duties? How can they
be used for optimizing inventory balance?
inventory is a drain on the resources of the organization. in this context
discuss the utility of ABC analysis and VED analysis of inventory control
Group B (for SOA only)
3. The complaints of delay in the payment of
bills for stores supplied cause a lot of botheration to the FA&CAO. What
are the main factors leading to delay in the Stores as well as in the Accounts
office? What steps are necessary to eliminate such factors so as to avoid
delays in payment?
4. What is Letter
of Credit? Who are parties to a letter of credit? What are the items included
in a letter of credit? Discuss briefly the benefits of letter of credit.
5. What is VAT ?
How is it computed and in what way it is different from Sales tax? What are the
existing Rates under VAT?
6. What is ECS?
How EFT is utilised in the railways to effect payments to suppliers and
contractors? What are the limitations of EFT and how can these be overcome?
7. Write short notes on any Four:
a) PVC in store Contracts
b) Bullet tenders
c) Deposit Miscellaneous Account
d) Stores in transit
e) Liquidated Damages
f) Purchase preferences
C (for ISA only)
8. What are stock
sheets? indicate at least five instructions to be kept in view while preparing
the same. how are they disposed in the Accounts office?
9. Write short
notes on any Four:
a) Bin Card
c) Survey reports
d) T&P register
e) Surplus stores
f) Ground rent
10. Who is responsible for the sale of railway
stores? What are the items to be sold at the point of generation and why?
Enumerate minimum 6 Suggestions to increase the scrap in railways.
11. Distinguish
between any Four:
a) Railway receipt & Parcel
way bill
c) Earnest money & Security
d) Tender sale & Direct sale
e) Depot transfer issues
f) Finance vetting & Finance
What is the procedure of witnessing deliveries in auction? What are the
test-check items by ISA at Sale delivery point?
Stores Accounts (with Books)
AAS (With Books)
Group A (for SOA & ISA)
How are Budget estimates and revised estimates prepared for stores departments
? How is the stores budget related to revenue Budget of the railway?
State the stages of checks to be carried out during stock verification of PWI's
Group B (for SOA only)
tender opening is witnessed by accounts representative at the time of opening
of tender.
Group C (for ISA only)
What are the general rules for opening and closing of wards ?
Gate pass is an important document in ensuring issue and use of material.
Please elaborate.
how is the demand for a stock item assessed in the annual review system?
Explain the maxima-minima system of recouping stores.
are the categories into which railway scrap is generally classified?
will be the Classification of the following scrap items?
i) released P-way fittings
like dog spikes and screws
ii) Rail 90 lb
iii) Cut pieces of 50 x 12 mm flats, 0.5 to 0.75 m in length
iv) Condemned axles of wagons
v) Armature windings of condemned electric locos
13. What are the various
documents to be maintained in a receipt section to ensure timely receipt and
accountal of stores? What action should be taken if pre-inspected materials
don't prima-facie appear as per order description?
Different between Inactive, Surplus and Over-stocked items. What steps be taken
to prevent accumulation and to effect reduction of balances of the above
categories of store?
Stores Accounts (Without Books)
ZAS (2010) (without books)
Group A (for both SOA & ISA
Inspectors of store accounts play an important role in inventory managment of
the railways. Elaborate the statement, in reference to roles, an ISA is
expected to play in the course of performing his duties.
Sale of scrap has become an important function of stores department. SVs and
ISAs play a major role in the scheme of selling of scrap. Elucidate the role of
SV and ISA in the total procedure of sale of scrap.
GROUP B (for SOA only)
will play a major role in the near future." State the main features of
GROUP C (for ISA only)
Write short notes on any FOUR:
a) Field book
b)Surplus store
c) Material received without any documents
d)Reserve price
e)Stores on loan from other Railway
between any FOUR:
a)Special store and surplus store
b)Dead surplus and Moveable SURPLUS
c)Liquidated damages and General damages
d) Earnest money and Security deposit
e)SINT (purchase) and SINT (Depot transfer)
What are the duties of a Depot Store Keeper?
is the composition and role of survey Committee for scraps? What are the
advantages and disadvantages of sale of scrap by tender and by auction?
what circumstances Departmental Stock verification done? How are the
discrepancies noticed during departmental verification of stores, sorted out?
Stores Accounts (with Books)
How is planning of Stores and Supplies done? How many types of Stores have been
categorized? What are the standards of financial property to be observed during
Stores Purchases.
What is the procedure for preparation of Stores budget? What can be optimum
Stores Budget? What role does turn-over-ratio play in Stores Purchases?
GROUP B (for SOA only)
What is Auction & Scrap disposal Procedure? How is 'Reserve Price'
determined? What is the role of accounts representative in Auction?
What is the procedure for 'receipt' & 'issue' of stores to workshops? How
is adjustment of difference in Actual & Approximate cost of Workshop
manufacture done?
What are Transfer Certificates? How are these posted in the Stores journal and
incorporated in 'Capital Account'?
What are 'Imprest Stores'? How is recoupment schedule prepared? What is the
role pf Accounts Officer in this regard?
Write short notes on:-(any four)
(i) Stores-in-Transit
(ii) Letter of credit
(iii) Stock Adjustment Account
(iv) Prorietary Certificate
(v) Non-Stock Indents
What are the checks to be observed during Stores bill passing? Is there any way
to expedite this procedure?
GROUP C (for ISA only)
What are the duties of inspector of Stores Accounts? What are the documents
required to be maintained by ISAs?
what is a stock sheet? what are the important points of scrutiny at the time os
stock verification? what is the procedure for accountal of stock verification
What are 'returned stores'? What is the role of ISA & Stock Verifier in
effective supervision and accountal of 'Returned stores'
What is a Depot Ledger? How is the posting in Depot Ledger done? How does it
help in recoupment of stores?
Write short notes on any four :-
(i) Material at site Account
(ii) Sale of scrap rails
(iii) Numerical ledger
(iv) Condemnation os stores
(vi) Field Book
What is reverse auction? can this procedure be used in Railways Tendering
Stores Accounts (without Books)
SGY ( Without Books) 2012
Group A (for both SOA &
Inventory Management System followed in indian Railways is an effective system.
it avoids unnecessary accumulation of stores & blocking of capital."
Please Comment.
How effective is the tendering system of stores procurement which is followed
in Railways? Has 'E' tendering played an important role? What is the scope for
improvement ?
Group B (for SOA only)
How many types of Contracts are used in stores procurement? Describe three
major types of contracts. What internal checks need to be exercised by Account
Office in this regard during contact management?
What is the rate contract ? How can it be helpful in management of Inventory?
What is the method of preparing Indent ? What checks are exercised while
scrutinizing Indents in Accounts Office ?
How is procurement of Engineering Stores done ? How is it different from normal
stores procurement?
Write short notes on any four :-
(i) Purchase preference
(ii) Performance Bank Guarantee
(iii) Certification of Funds
(iv) Custody stores
(v) Engineering Plant Reserve
What is the use of Price Variation clause (PVC) in stores Contracts? Does it
always protect railway's financial interest? Is there any alternative method?
Group C (for ISA only)
What is the procedure followed in Issue of stores ? How are Issues examined by
Stores Accounts Office?
What are surplus stores ? How is revaluation of surplus stores done ? What
measures can be taken to control surplus stores ?
What is a price ledger ? How is reconciliation of price ledger with General
Books done ?
What is the accountal procedure for purchase suspense ? How does it affect
overall Inventory Management ?
Write short notes on any four :-
(i) Bin Card
(ii) Accounts Note
(iii) Dead Surplus
(iv) Turn-over-Ratio
(v) Management Information System
What is a survey committee and why is it formed? How can it safeguard railway's
financial interest?
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