Railway Accounts Department Examinations

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Differences between MAR & Deposit Miscellaneous

5 marks question -1986 (WO) & 1993 (WO)

1.It is a Suspense Head under the Major Head 3002   - Indian Railways Commercial Lines.
1. It is a Suspense Head under the Major Head 8445 - Indian Railways Deposits.
2. It records all DEBITS of transactions which cannot be booked directly to the final heads of accounts for want of allocation, inter-dept. transactions awaiting acceptance, Debit balance in Reserve Bank Suspense (RBS), etc at the end of the year.
2. It records all CREDITS like miscellaneous deposits made to Railways like Security Deposit, EMD, Court attachment recoveries, Deposit Works amount paid by concerned persons etc.
3. It always shown as Debit Balance.
3. It always shown as Credit Balance
4. The Balance under this Head should be examined to see "That there are no Credit Items"
4. The Balance under this Head should be examined to see "That there are no Debit items"
5. Direct Credit cannot be booked to this Head, unless there is corresponding Debit already there.
5. Direct Debit cannot be booked to this Head, unless there is a corresponding Credit already there.

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